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3D Plugin

ProSequencer For 3ds Max 2013

3d Model

ProSequencer For 3ds Max is compatible with both 3dsMax 2013 and 3dsMax 2014. The 3ds max users can apply it for multi-shot animations. It is now possible to produce, view and tweak an edit directly within 3ds Max. Besides the plugin is capable of exporting previews rapidly as well as render clips directly from the timeline.

The plugin contains the following exclusive features:

  • Arrange camera shots in a line and/or Statesets
  • Insert a timeline navigation bar similar to After Effects
  • Instantly produce previews and organize renders from a clip’s context menu through its smooth preview and render functions
  • Token supported render/preview system
  • The camera’s wireframe color is automatically adjusted to notify weather a camera’s track is chosen or if camera is operating.
  • MaxScript access to the sequence data for incorporating into prevailing pipelines and render managers
  • Sequence data is stored in the max file itself in a non disruptive manner that facilitates the scene to be open if the sequencer is not there on the system

For availing more features, visit the online help page.

The users can access a demo version. It will completely work but it will not save the sequence.

Purchase it for 10.00 EUR

ProSequencer For 3ds Max 2013