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Estimating Sheet

Electrical Estimating and Costing Worksheet

Construction Software

In this short video introduce you to the electrical software program that I use. In my earlier days I used paper,pencil and a calculator to do all of my estimating.

I would first visit the job and walk it taking notes describing circumstances and the scope of the project.

Then I would go back to my office breakout the paper,pencil and calculator and start breaking down all of the materials and estimated manpower hours. I would put this into some sort of form that organized all the information that I needed that made sense to me while putting together a project estimate.

Then came computer systems and spreadsheets. Although they've made organization much easier it was still very time-consuming to put together a electrical estimate.

And that's where the electrical software programs come in, utilizing their databases I can account for each and every piece in part that goes into a project without having to rack my brain making sure I have everything covered.

For more information on the electrical estimating program that I use visit

Electrical Estimating and Costing Worksheet