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Raft 2.0 – A powerful software for analysis, design & estimation of raft foundation

Construction Software

Raft is a powerful software that can be used for making analysis, design, estimation, costing of RCC raft foundation with adherence to IS : 2950 - PART 1 - 1981.

The software is specifically designed for civil and structural engineers.

The Software fundamentally needs a user to put in Raft data for Joints, Columns, Beams, Slabs, Point loads & Continuity. The rest of the things are managed by the software.

The results are presented in the form of BM & SF, Raft Beam & Slab Schedule, Quantities, Cost & Approximate Bar bending Schedule for Beams.

One can utilize architectural drawing to import data in RAFT and analyze, design & estimate the Building floor cost quickly.

The most updated version is Raft 2.0 that contains new feature like importing member data by scanning AutoCAD drawing.

The software can demonstrate the followings :-

Foundation Plan, Project Files Details, Joint Number Display, Display/Edit/Delete Beams

Display/Edit/Delete Columns, Display/Edit/Delete Slabs, Display of BM & SF, Raft Beam Schedule, Slab Schedule, Bar Bending Schedule, Floor Quantities & Cost, Raft Reinforcement Summary, Loading Diagram, Bending Moment Diagram, Shear Force Diagram

The software can also demonstrate various AutoCAD drawings as follow :-

a. Automatic creation of raft foundation plan in AutoCAD
b. Automatic creation of raft beam schedule in AutoCAD
c. Automatic creation of raft slab schedule in AutoCAD
d. Scan AutoCAD RCC Plan

To get more information, click on the following link

Raft 2.0 – A powerful software for analysis, design & estimation of raft foundation